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Link to 24-25 Academic Calendar
All undergraduate classes end with a timed one-hour proctored examination. Online proctoring for the final examination is offered through the LMS and powered by Honorlock. 3rd Party proctors are available upon request and approval from the Lionel Registrar's Office.
Students are expected to maintain at least minimum grade point averages (GPA). To remain in good academic standing each quarter and to earn a degree, a student must earn an institutional GPA of 2.0 or higher in the undergraduate programs and a 3.0 or higher in the graduate program.
Faculty members are responsible for grading all students assigned to them. Faculty members will be able to view all of their currently enrolled students’ grade reports through the LMS.
Response, evaluation, and grading of student lessons and projects: Faculty will submit assignment grades within seven days of assignment due date and a final grade within seven days of the course completion date. Students can monitor their grades in the LMS on a continual basis. Late assignments, if accepted by the instructor, will be graded within seven days of the course completion date. Assignments for incomplete courses will be graded within seven days of the date of expiration of the incomplete.
Official grades may be held until all financial obligations are met.
GPA Type Definitions
Lionel University has established the following grading scale. All faculty members are required to comply with this scale and its equivalents. Plus or minus grades indicate a high- or low-end grade that has been assigned. These grades may be assigned on individual assignments within a course or as the final course grade.
A = Excellent
The student has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the content and skills presented in the course and consistently initiates thoughtful questions and can see many sides of an issue. The student writes logically and clearly. They also integrate ideas throughout the course and, as appropriate, from previously completed courses in a program.
B = Good to very good
The student is an excellent writer and maintains consistent performance and understanding of course content that goes beyond the minimum requirements.
C = Satisfactory
The student demonstrates a minimal comprehension of the skills and subject matter included in the course, and accomplishes only the minimum requirements while displaying little or no initiative. Course grades of “C-” or lower fall below the level for satisfactory academic progress.
D = Below average
The student’s performance is barely acceptable. Assignments are late or missing, and there is not even a minimal understanding or mastery of course content skills.
F = Failing
Quality and quantity of work is unacceptable.
I = Incomplete
Coursework will have a designed incomplete status when the course has ended, but a final grade has not been assigned.
W = Withdrawal
Students who officially withdraw before the final withdrawal deadline will receive a “W.” A “W” is not calculated into the GPA. If the student does not withdraw prior to the final withdrawal deadline, their grade will be calculated as points earned divided by total course points, and the grade is calculated into the GPA.
AC = Administrative cancellation
Administrative cancellation refers to a student course cancellation that is initiated by the institution. Administrative cancellations commonly apply to coursework that has not begun. Lionel University may cancel students from courses for reasons which include (but are not limited to):
Students who are administratively cancelled from the identified course(s) will receive the grade of “AC” on their academic record. The “AC” grade has no effect on the student’s academic GPA. The student will be notified of the administrative cancellation to their primary email from the Office of the Registrar.
AW = Administrative withdrawal
Administrative withdrawal refers to a student course withdrawal that is initiated by the institution. Administrative withdrawals commonly apply to coursework that has already begun. Lionel University may withdraw students from courses for reasons which include but are not limited to:
Students who are administratively withdrawn from the identified course(s) will receive the grade of “AW” on their academic record. The “AW” grade has no effect on the student’s academic GPA. The student will be notified of the administrative withdrawal to their primary email from the Office of the Registrar.
IP = In progress
Coursework will have a designed “in progress” status while the course is in progress (during the course start and end dates). No quality points are assigned to in progress coursework, and there is no associated GPA.
Lionel University faculty members are experts within their fields of study and have the final authority for assigning grades, with the exception of grades that are found to be a result of arbitrary or capricious grading.
If a student believes and is able to support with clear and credible evidence that capricious or unprofessional grading has taken place, a grade challenge may be made on a final course grade basis. Individual course assessment grades are to be handled between student and faculty while a course is in session. The grade challenge policy governs course final grades.
The following policies and procedures apply to all grade challenges:
Grade Challenges must be initiated within 21 days of the final grade posting date. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the necessary information to support the challenge.
The burden rests with the student to provide any additional supporting documentation. Examples of necessary information include medical verification if an exception is due to illness, copies of any documentation to substantiate the request, and so forth. If any type of documentation is missing, the challenge will be rejected.
A member or members of the Student Standards Committee will review the challenge to determine if further action is warranted. The Committee member’s determination will be final.
Students are not allowed to enroll in more than 18 credits in a quarter. Students should expect to devote 30 hours per quarter of studying for every one quarter credit that they are enrolled in. Students enrolled in the maximum allowed credit amount of 18 credits in a quarter should expect to devote 540 hours to their coursework over the course of the quarter. Over a 10 week quarter, this equates to 54 hours of studying per week (30 hours x 18 credits / 10 weeks = 54 hours).
Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who have been enrolled in their program for more than four quarters, and who have not had any violations of the school’s Academic Honesty policy or Code of Conduct policy, can request to enroll in more credits than the 18 credit per term limit. This request should be sent to studentaffairs@lionel.edu and should include:
Students will be notified of the results of their request by email within seven days.
Certificates and diplomas will not be issued until tuition and fees are paid in full.
To order an official transcript, please log into lionel.populiweb.com and navigate to My Profile > Student > Transcript.
Click on "Transcript Actions" and select "Official Transcript Request". Complete form, confirm payment, submit.
To receive an unofficial transcript, please log into lionel.populiweb.com and navigate to My Profile > Student > Transcript.
Click on "Transcript Actions" and select "Export Transcript". There is no charge for an unofficial transcript.
Third parties can request transcript credentials through Populi. To order an official transcript , please click on this link https://lionel.populiweb.com/router/request_transcript Complete form, confirm payment, submit.
Link to master's degree progress worksheet
Link to bachelor’s degree progress worksheet
Link to associate degree progress worksheet
Link to Master Trainer Certificate progress worksheet
Degrees are conferred four times per year at the conclusion of each quarter. If a student will be completing all degree requirements by the end of the term, they will need to submit a graduation application by the last day of class. Diplomas are only sent to students who have successfully completed all degree requirements and submitted a graduation application. Diplomas can be expected 8-10 weeks after the conclusion of the student's final term. If a graduation application is not received by the deadline, the diploma will be issued at the conclusion of the following quarter.
Master's Degree Graduation Requirements
Bachelor's Degree Graduation Requirements
Associate Degree Requirements:
Master Trainer Certificate Requirements
Forms must be received by the following deadlines:
Lionel has a student-only Facebook group designed to facilitate connections and conversations between you and your classmates.
We hope this is a space that facilitates conversation and allows you to meet, connect with, and get to know the people who are furthering their education in the hopes of making a difference in the world.
This is a closed group and, though maintained by Lionel University, it will be a space for you with only occasional postings by the University (e.g., new programs, registration deadlines, and so forth).
If you have been away from classes for more than a year, you will need to reactivate your program to continue your studies. Simply fill out the form below. Questions can be directed to: support@lionel.edu
Please note that a digital version of the course textbook is included with each course at no extra charge. If you would like a hard copy you can purchase one using the links below.
PTR251 - Certified Fitness Trainer https://books.issaonline.com/product/Foundations-and-Applications-for-a-Certified-Personal-Trainer
PTR253 - Specialist in Exercise Therapy https://books.issaonline.com/product/exercisetherapycertification
PTR254 - Youth Fitness Trainer https://books.issaonline.com/product/youthfitness
PTR255 - Specialist in Strength and Conditioning https://books.issaonline.com/product/strengthconditioning
PTR256 - Specialist in Senior Fitness https://books.issaonline.com/product/seniorfitness
PTR257 - Specialist in Group Fitness N/A
PTR258 - Corrective Exercise Specialist https://books.issaonline.com/product/correctiveexercisespecialist
PTR259 - Specialist in Fitness Nutrition https://books.issaonline.com/product/nutritioncoach
PTR260 - Bodybuilding Specialist https://books.issaonline.com/product/bodybuildingspecialist
PTR261 - Transformation Specialist https://books.issaonline.com/product/transformationspecialist
There is absolutely no commitment and no credit card required. The application is designed as an investment in you—to help you name what you truly want, evaluate all that you juggle, and design your future. Stop and start the application as needed. Your work is saved as you go.
Apply Now